There are 4 rules that come with the award:
1 - thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them when creating the award post
2 - share seven things about yourself
3 - pass the award on to 15 recently discovered blogs
4 - contact the bloggers to let them know about the award
Ms. C's Random Facts:
1 - My perfect morning consists of a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and a big mug of black coffee.
2 - I read and watched Disney's books and films on The Little Mermaid way too often as a child... I like to think it's why I just can't seem to eat seafood without feeling remorse.
3 - I grew up wanting to be a writer but left my dreams behind when I decided I didn't want to be one of those 'struggling and starving' artists... My current stance on the issue? Struggling and starving or not, I'm going for it.
4 - I absolutely love Europe. It is so rich in history, culturally diverse, and absolutely beautiful... sigh
5 - I recently cleaned out one of my cupboards full of the books I read as a teenager. I forgot just how popular Chicken Soup for the (insert pretty much anything here) Soul was in the 1990s and early 2000s until I saw my copies. Looking through my old books brought a bit of nostalgia but they'll soon be put to good use at a local charity.
6 - The thought of spending an entire afternoon at a bookstore or library excites me... and I can never leave without acquiring at least one new book.
7 - I love the colour purple... deep, rich, royal looking purple. I'll go out of my way to purchase anything in this shade - purses, jewelery, tops, dresses, scarves, my ipod... even my dog's collar.
I've chosen 7 of my old favourites or new-to-me book and writing themed blogs for this award. For those I have listed, please don't feel obligated to follow up on the rules of the award. I just wanted to share with you all some great bloggers and pass on the good vibes. As the saying goes, quality over quantity.
And, the awards go to....
Claudia Del Balso, Writer
Media Molly
The Sharilyn Review
The Displaced English Major
The Window Seat Reader
As I turn the pages
Love is
Hi Ms.C,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for awarding my blog with the "Versatile Blogger Award" and for leaving me a nice message in my blog ;)
I'll choose my seven faves in a bit.
Thank you for the award!! I'm smiling ear-to-ear!! I'll choose my favorites later today!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the award! I've just made a post about it! You can read it here.
ReplyDeletep.s. - purple is my favourite color too! :D
Thank you so much! I need to add it to my blog sometime. Purple is my favorite color as well!
ReplyDeleteHi Claudia, Bookangel, Elle, and Alli -- you're all very much welcome! I love each of your blogs; they truly do deserve recognition.
ReplyDeleteThank you! This really is the first time in my life I've ever gotten any kind of award.
ReplyDeleteSorry I've been so pokey in expressing my thanks but my computer is having a bit of nervous breakdown.
Thanks again.