Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Learning Curves

It would be a lie to say that I didn't seriously contemplate what book to bring on my trans-Atlantic flight. I needed a book that could entertain me for just over 9 hours. I even purchased a book specifically for this occasion. But, said book never made it on the journey. Instead, I began Gemma Townley's Learning Curves a few day's before leaving for England.

A few years ago, when I first purchased Townley's book, I had read the first few chapters and then given up. But, for some reason, the banana yellow spine of this work called out to me in early April. By the time I was packing my suitcase, I was more than halfway into the novel. Looks like I had no choice but to bring Learning Curves along for the journey.

May I start by saying that I should have known better? There *was* a reason why I had put Townely's book down all those years ago. While I didn't see my reasoning right away in April, by the time I was in the air I knew for sure why I had not finished the book on my first reading.

Townley writes a book that has all of the cliches of chick-lit. Romantic relationship problems. Parental interference. Happy endings. A piece of fluff, to put it bluntly.

Townley does attempt to be unique through creating a plot line premised on the ethics of business and book selling. Her work portrays the foibles of Jennifer Bell, who must go undercover as a MBA student in order to discover the unethical activities of her father's business. There are twists... but, they are predictable.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to readers. I you are looking for an enjoyable and witty chick-lit work, please look elsewhere.

Bibliographical reference:

Townley, Jennifer. Learning Curves: A Novel of Sex, Suits, and Business Affairs. New York: Ballantine Books, 2006.


  1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Alexis. I must say, I felt guilty writing such a book-bashing review.


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